We are currently working on restoring a feature film and two animations commissioned by the Lithuanian Film Centre.

The Lithuanian Film Centre has commissioned our studio to restore The Devil’s Seed (Velnio sėkla, 1979), directed by Algimantas Puipa, The Light of Happiness (Laimės žiburys, 1990), directed by Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė, and Icarus (Ikaras, 1992), directed by Henrikas Vaigauskas.

Algimantas Puipa (born 1951) is one of the most famous and prolific Lithuanian film directors. He debuted in 1974 with Road Signs, and released more than twenty feature films over the next four decades. Puipa’s style is characterised by historical motifs, psychological undertones, visual paradoxes, and vivid portraits of women. In 1979, he made The Devil’s Seed, based on a screenplay by Vytautas Žalakevičius and considered by some as one of the most distinguished examples of Lithuanian cinema. The film portrays rural life in early 20th-century Lithuania and featured a cast of renowned Lithuanian talents.

Nijolė Valadkevičiūtė (1944–2020) was a painter, internationally acclaimed film director, and one of Lithuania’s most original animators. She also produced graphics, paintings, theatre decorations, fasion sketches, and participated in exhibitions worldwide. Her work was based on surrealism and pop art, incorporating elements of anime and manga culture, and eluding the styles inherent to her times, such as social realism or contemporary Lithuanian visual art.

Henrikas Vaigauskas (born 1951) is one of the best-known Lithuanian animators. He graduated from the architecture faculty in Vilnius and began his career as a set designer at the Lithuanian Film Studio in 1985. 1991 marked his debut as an animator, with works such as Lumberjack, Moles, and Icarus (1992). He has made about twenty animations that have been presented at many international festivals.

We are very glad that the Lithuanian Film Centre has trusted us once again with restoring part of their national film heritage,” says Łukasz Ceranka, Fixafilm CTO. “We had previously worked on restoring Lithuanian classics like Nobody Wanted to Die by Vytautas Žalakevičius, Northern Crusades by Marijonas Giedrys, Children from the Hotel ‘America’ by Raimundas Banionis, and The Small Confession by Algirdas Araminas.”