God’s Lining, directed by Izabella Cywińska, tells the serialised story of a Polish family in the Vilnius area back in the early 20th century. The backdrop for the Jurewicz family saga reveals the way things were during that period. God’s Lining transports us into a world of impoverished noblemen, dilapidated manor houses, philosophers and charlatans, as well as the bourgeois realities of the times. The fifteen-episode series follows the life of its heroine, Maryska, and her constant struggle with rejection by her family and entourage, who refuse to accept her.

Interestingly, the series was based on Teresa Lubkiewicz-Urbanowicz’s eponymous novel, a fictionalised account of the author’s reminiscences about her mother.

In cooperation with Polish Television, Fixafilm’s team of experts had the pleasure of working to digitally restore, colour-correct and master all fifteen episodes of God’s Lining.